Monday, April 26, 2010

Pioneer Woman!!!!!

From 2010-04-1
I finally got to meet her! I was thrilled! I was sweaty!

(70 degrees in portland, i am wearing a long sleeve shirt and a vest (to cover the muffin top hanging over my jeans, which by the way my husband told me later (in much kinder words...) that he didn't like "(the vest) and that it made me look funny... this of course was while i was trying desperately to get some words of encouragement because all the pictures of me with PW turned out yucky...)

Anyway .... sweaty, nervous, anxious, excited... but ladies and gentlemen I am here to tell you it was all worth it. (-:

My friend Aimee and I arrived around 3:30pm on Friday, the signing wasn't until 6:00pm so we thought we'd just check things out. We go into Powell's Book Store and there are people already waiting in line! Soo we got ourselves a Starbucks and waited with them!
From 2010-04-19
This is my beautiful friend Aimee... She spent that whole day in various Dr.'s offices and she looks beautiful, peaceful, put together, and ready to roll... I on the other hand... need to take off that vest. (:

We waited... got our tickets... sat down...
From 2010-04-19
Cute Aimee...

From 2010-04-19
Me... with the vest

The crowd became very large, in fact i think the bookstore people were quite surprised at how many fans showed up. It was one of their biggest signings and they have had several famous authors. Us PW fans are a loyal fierce group not to be messed with.

From 2010-04-19
Although I do have to admit i was a little surprised that here in the good ole People's Republic of Oregon that there was soo much interest in a southern blogger who lives on a working cattle ranch, loves butter, meat, her church and her husband... I loved it!

On a side note... while we were waiting... i had to pee... for those of you who know me this is no shock because i always have to pee.. anyhoo.. i go... i come back ... i begin looking for my ticket (you have to have a ticket to get Ree to sign your book) we had ticket numbers 38 and 39... they quit giving out tickets when they got over 350... I begin to panic a little as does Aimee.. now i am really sweating.. i have waited all this time and now i am not going to get to meet her cause i lost my ticket! Aimee and i become a little frantic looking in all my pockets, my purse etc. The kind ladies around us notice the flurry of activity and say, "hey the guy, just annouced that someone had turned in a lost ticket found in the bathroom!" Sure enough it was mine! Yes i always like to add a little adventure to every situation. (:

She's Here!!!
From 2010-04-19

She is just as i thought she would be... nice, kind, funny... like a friend

From 2010-04-19
This is the look she gave while kindly responding to some not so wise persons question about how she explains "hiney tingling" to her daughters... Ree chose not to answer that one... Yeah Ree!!

She then began to sign books... Ree was so nice and patient with all of us wanting pictures and a chance to chat a little bit.

Then it was my turn!! Me and my vest....
From 2010-04-19

From 2010-04-19
As you can see I was asking her a well thought out, very important question here, which made her have to pause to think of how best to answer someone with such great wisdom and foresight to have come up such a question.... He He He

And then... it was Beautiful Aimee's turn!
From 2010-04-19
Isn't she cute? I just love her! Ok Aimee's cute too!

From 2010-04-19

From 2010-04-19
See? Look! Beautiful Aimee likes me even better than PW! PW's talkin to her and Aimee only has eyes for me! Ok seriously she was telling me with those eyes "enough pics already your makin us nervous!!"

It really was fun and i am super glad we made the trek up to ptown to meet Miss Ree. I feel like were buddies now and now maybe she knows who the psycho stalker is that keeps signing all her posts on the PW sight as BFF. (-:

Thanks Ree you make a lot of us regular folks out here very happy.