Thursday, May 19, 2011

Bridger The Craig!

This is our sweet boy Bridger... He is five years old and has more personality than we can handle at times. He refers to himself as Bridger The Craig. 
This photo of him was taken just before he started wearing glasses.

This was a few weeks later... He was sooo proud to be wearing his new suit!  We have recently become a little concerned with Bridger's in ability to express himself...

He can in a space of 30 seconds make you so mad you want to pull all your hair out and then have you laughing so hard that you almost pee your pants.
(I know, tmi, but these are the facts people!)
The other day he was supposed to be takinga nap... about and hour in he comes to the top of the stairs and says "Mommy? Um I've been trying with all my heart, with all my strength, with all my soul and all my might to take a nap. But I just can't do it!" I did not have a comeback for this soo, naptime was over.

Bridge is all boy ... all the time...

And I wouldn't change a thing...