Friday, March 23, 2012


Friends are an amazing phenomenon. People that you pick and that pick you back. People who are in your life because they choose to be. Because they actually like you! I love it!!

I have put most of those friendships to the ultimate test in the last year and I must say, there have been very few casualties. Some of you pictured below I don't see much of anymore due to geography but I love you just the same. You have always held a special place in my heart and always will.

Kristy, I will start with you cause I have known you the longest...
This is our 2nd birthday...

And Easter Sunday 2001...
 I'll bet your mama greeted Aimee with a great huge hug in Heaven last summer (:
Your my forever friend!

Heidi G. we met in the 7th grade and I know you had to put up with a lot being a quiet girl and all. I have embarrassed you more times than either of us can count. I just love that to this day I can still shock you!
8th grade hot tub and snow dash!

Memorial day parade 2004

Katie, Jenny, Katrina, Laurie, Jerelyn and Kathleen, my high school homies! We couldn't be more different if we tried, but we all have that unique blend of somethin and have friendships that have lasted more than 25 years. I always know you have my back no matter what.
Senior Ditch Day! Rosarito Mexico 1988!!! 
20 Year High School Reunion!!! Miguels Cocina 2008!!!
(there seems to be a running theme in these photos...)

The Kakster!!! My sweet, sweet Kakey! My favorite memory of you is the day before Bridger was born... the hospital called and wanted me to come in immediately and I couldn't get a hold of Rod. I was panicked, you called and then immediately rushed your 11 week pregnant pukey self over to my house to be with me while I invented new words to yell at my husband for not having his cell phone near him while having a 9 month pregnant wife.... (-:
Your wedding day! And your holding my Angel Baby! (she's 8 now!!!)
(yes this was a few years before the Bridger story)

Christy, Christy, Christy... can't have a Thanksgiving without thinking about you! I love you my friend and I truly hope that there is another Thanksgiving spent together in our futures...

Kristin!! You are one of the best parts of Rod and I being together... if that wouldn't have happened then I never would have met you! Your my adventurer... every time I am doing something in the outdoors and I get a little freaked out, I think to myself  "Kristin would do it and she wouldn't even think twice!" Then I put on my big girl panties and go for it! Cause (i tell myself'...) "if Kristin can do it then I can too!"
Crabbin' off  the docks in Coos Bay, 2010

Next we have sweet Miss Melissa who is just today getting into her car and drive off to a new life in Orlando, Florida. All this because her hubby did something lame and got a job at Disneyworld!!! Our girls and boys are the same ages and we have spent countless hours eating pancakes together, having sleepovers and talking on the phone... at least we will still have the phone right?
Thanksgiving 2011!! Nice turtleneck huh?

Most of you know my sweet Aimee, who went to be with Jesus, July 8, 2011... Miss you everyday friend!
Mother's Day 2010!!

I know this is a blog full of my girls but I just couldn't leave you out Ryan! You and Aimee are a package deal! I got a twofer outta this friendship! 
Lakeview, August 2011

These women are the ones who have been constantly and consistently picking up my pieces in the last year...  We've had some very hard moments...
 May 19, 2011...

Karla you always seem to get in touch with me at just the right time. Right when I need it. Whether its a word of encouragement or quick prayer as I head off for my next adventure...

and some not so hard moments...
Camping August 2011!!

Miss Pam you are the calm and quiet one, never a negative word said about anyone and always an inspiration to be around... I know I'll never be the quiet one in the group but if I could I'd like to be more like you!

We've run races ...
Girlfriends Half Marathon October, 2010

Miss Megan... you texted me every single day after we found out about Aimee... It really meant a lot to me that you were thinking of me and going out of your way to check in... love u!

Allysons Wedding August 2011!!

Taryn! My red friend! I love that we love the same stuff and that you are always so friendly and welcoming to everyone... and that you stayed and partied with me so I could have someone to play with...(:

And boogied some more...
The Band Perry Concert!! Lakeview, August, 2011!!

Heidi P.!!! Your my BUTT KICKER!!! You let me whine for a few seconds or so and then tell me to pull myself up by my bootstraps and cowgirl up! I love that and I love that we put the same effort into working out as we do in drinking wine on the weekends! 

We have played with the pumpkins...
Mahaffy Ranch October, 2011!!!

My sweet Shawna. always encouraging, always pointing me strait back to Jesus, always practical and always loving. I love you my sweet friend!

And you have just been there when I needed to chat...
Miss Jenifer... one of the 1st people I met here in good ole CB. I love your casual no nonsense look at life and what you have accomplished with the hand you have been dealt. I love you and I love that our girls are best friends... (-:

And recently when my world went from this...
  to this...
 You all rallied yet again... Thankfully my Angel Baby is doing fine today but it was a scary 13 days...

Thank you to all my old friends and to my new ones...

And my very best friend in all the whole world.....
I love you more than life itself....

Thank you all! Thank you for being in my life and for adding so much to it... I wanted to create this list both as a thank you and as a reminder to myself on those days when I am struggling for things to be grateful for that I have a wealth of friendships that have spanned a lifetime and for that I am eternally grateful.