Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bridgy's Big Day

On Sept. 11. I didn't know if Natalie's school was going to talk about 9/11 or not. I wanted them to be a little prepared and informed about what happened on that day. I got out some magazines that i had saved and just gave them a quick overview of the day. I explained that all the people that had Jesus in their heart on that day went to be with Him in heaven.

To make a long story short Bridgy, Natalie and i prayed together to ask Jesus in Bridgy's heart. He really wanted to do it and repeated after me while i prayed. I told him that there was a big huge dance party goin on in heaven because of his decision, we called daddy and all the grandparents.

It was a euphoric moment. Bridge wasn't acting silly, he didn't take asking Jesus into his heart lightly. He was proud, i was proud. Soooo all in all very good day.

The end of the day rolls around, rod and i are working on some stuff on the computer and natalie comes in to tell us that she has built a tower and wants us to see it. We go into her room and she has tons of toys stacked up and her pointy cone princess hat right on top. She emphatically says "look at my tower!" and then proceeds to take one of Bridgy's toy airplanes and crashes it into her tower! rod and i looked at each other in complete shock and he said "honey i think you got some splainin' to do!"

Yeah i don't think i will be winning the Parent of The Year Award any time soon......

1 comment:

  1. Oh! I am SO happy for Bridger! That must feel so good Tiff, to have your little ones make that decision!! You are an awesome momma' ;0)
